Thursday, April 24, 2014

Blog# 7.Antibiotics and Food Animal Industry.

 Prof. Smith.
Class. ENG101.           
Diana Coll.

Blog #7

Antibiotics and Food Animal Industry.

            Since 1946 ranchers and farmers has been added antibiotics to the animals we eat to prevent them from getting sick and also to make them grow faster. We can think this is not our problem but we should care about this because the same antibiotics that are use to treat human illnesses are the same ones meat producers are using with animals and this can lead to serious health risk to humans.
            According to microbiologist Dr Glenn Morris if a group of animals is treated whit a certain antibiotic for a long period the bacteria who is living in the animal will become resistant to that drug and the problem for humans is that if a person ingests the resistant bacteria for improperly cooked meat and get sick she or he may no respond to antibiotic treatment and this can cost their lives.  To prevent this form happening the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is implementing a voluntary plan with the meat producers eliminated the USA of certain antibiotics for enhanced food production. They are doing this program voluntary because they think is the fastest and most efficient way to make these change but personally I think the FDA should force these companies no just to give them options to reduce the antibiotics in animals because this can cause a catastrophe. To prevent this problem to happen went we shopping for meat look for the certify products that indicated there farms only use antibiotics to cure infection in animal no for other non-therapeutic uses, during the preparation wash you hands often, cooked the meet at the right temperature and consume as soon as possible after cooked.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

blog #6 correction.

Prof. Smith.
Class. ENG101.           
Diana Coll.



     I have been using Victoria Secret for more than a decade especially the shower gel and the body cream I buy this product over and over at least one or two per month needed or not because they always have a new fragrance or maybe some discount in the store.
Sometimes I go to Victoria Secret to get my cream and I end up buying things that I don’t want to. The reason is because their packages are so beautiful and the advertising so powerful that unconsciously I end up thinking I can be as beautiful as one of the models by using their product. I’m sure I’m not the only one who things this, believe it or not. Using Victoria Secret products make me feel more feminine, more beautiful and sexier.

They are many factors that has influenced me to buy this brand; one of them is that I have seen this brand around home since I was a teenager because my mother also buys it. Another reason this brand attracts me is because their diversity of products includes: splashes, perfumes, make up, creams, shower gels, sportswear, lingerie and more. I also use Victoria Secret because it is also relative to the fashion industry, a world that I find fascinating.  My educational goal is to become a fashion designer and this company is an inspiration for me; I love their products and the marketing they do. Good products, good advertising, and good prices! 

blog #5 Correction /"Your TrustFriend"

Prof. Smith.
Class. ENG101.           
Diana Coll.

Blog #5 Correction.

     “Your trust friend” in my opinion is so far one of the most interesting chapters on this book. In this chapter I can see that fast food advertising has influence our children to consume their product. The fact that advertising has taken over the mentality and nutrition of children in order to increase the fast food companies benefit, it is completely shocking and unacceptable.
     It is well known, that television is used in America as a free babysitter. Many parents take advantage of cartoons such as the Ronal mc Donald (Mc treasure island) in order to have so time off from their hyperactive kids. Unfortunately, what we haven’t realized yet, is that by allowing our television to hypnotize our children for a couple of hours per day, we are also allowing hundreds of junk food companies to take over their naïve mentality and our own food pantry at home which is unacceptable.
     As a clear example, a study of the American Psychological Association found that the obesity epidemic in America is a serious public health problem. This issue has been increasing rapidly among children between the ages of 8 through 18.  Basically, because “95% of the ads promoted on Television, only promote junk food.” Also, because they are allowed to spend more time in front of their computer rather than playing outside, according to Robert Kenner director of the film ‘Food Inc’ (an average of 44.5 hours per week). It has been proven that kids as young as 2 years old, can recognize a logo, way before they can recognize their own name, this is shocking because they should be able to recognize their name before they recognize advertising.
     Fast food restaurants are using playground to attract children to their store. These playgrounds are mainly created to get the attention of children in to persuade to consume “happy meals” these meals contain only processed food with a very poor nutrition value. This fast food is high in fat, sugar and carbohydrates and can cause several diseases from an early age. Therefore this form of marketing is bad.
    I have to admit I was a victim of this cruel marketing strategy as well. I clearly remember how in High School our Gym teacher gave each student of his class (including myself), a box of assorted chocolate bars to sell. Mainly, to “raise funds”, for our unprivileged Basketball team. Surprisingly, each chocolate bar, which by the way was really good and addicting, came with a $1.00 Mc-Coupon in its wrap. This coupon often came handy to purchase a “Big Mac”. At that time, costing around $2.50, minus $1.00 off, came to a sweet deal for a hungry and brainwashed High School student like myself. The schools should be responsible to promote healthy food like vegetables and fruits not food that can make us sick.
    Although the power of Multinationals such as McDonalds are almost impossible to measure, it is important to realize that at the end of the day, we are as consumers the only ones responsible for what we buy, diffuse and sponsor. It is our responsibility as parents to raise awareness among our children to become more active, healthy and proactive when it comes to our body and environment. Only that way, we will assure that our future will have healthier adults, able to make healthier and unbiased decisions for themselves and their families.