Thursday, April 24, 2014

Blog# 7.Antibiotics and Food Animal Industry.

 Prof. Smith.
Class. ENG101.           
Diana Coll.

Blog #7

Antibiotics and Food Animal Industry.

            Since 1946 ranchers and farmers has been added antibiotics to the animals we eat to prevent them from getting sick and also to make them grow faster. We can think this is not our problem but we should care about this because the same antibiotics that are use to treat human illnesses are the same ones meat producers are using with animals and this can lead to serious health risk to humans.
            According to microbiologist Dr Glenn Morris if a group of animals is treated whit a certain antibiotic for a long period the bacteria who is living in the animal will become resistant to that drug and the problem for humans is that if a person ingests the resistant bacteria for improperly cooked meat and get sick she or he may no respond to antibiotic treatment and this can cost their lives.  To prevent this form happening the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is implementing a voluntary plan with the meat producers eliminated the USA of certain antibiotics for enhanced food production. They are doing this program voluntary because they think is the fastest and most efficient way to make these change but personally I think the FDA should force these companies no just to give them options to reduce the antibiotics in animals because this can cause a catastrophe. To prevent this problem to happen went we shopping for meat look for the certify products that indicated there farms only use antibiotics to cure infection in animal no for other non-therapeutic uses, during the preparation wash you hands often, cooked the meet at the right temperature and consume as soon as possible after cooked.

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