Monday, March 24, 2014

Blog #5

Prof. Smith.
Class. ENG101.           
Diana Coll.

Blog #5

     “Your trust friend” in my opinion is so far one of the most interesting chapters of this book. The fact that advertizing has taken over the mentality and nutrition of children in order to increase their own benefit, it is completely shocking.
     Today television is used in America as a free babysitter. Many parents take advantage of cartoons, in order to have so time off from their  kids. Unfortunately, what we haven’t realized, is that by allowing our television to hypnotize our children for a couple of minutes per day, we are also allowing hundreds of junk food companies to take over their naive  mentality and our own food at home.
       As a clear example, a study of the American Psychological Association, found that the obesity epidemic in America, is a serious public health problem. This issue has been increasing rapidly among children between the ages of 8 thru 18 because “95% of the ads promoted on Television, only promote junk food.” Also, because they are allowed to spend more time in front of their computer rather than playing outside, (an average of 44.5 hours per week). Also, because it has been proven that kids as young as 2 years old, can recognize a logo, way before they can recognize their own name.
      Lets talk about the installation of playgrounds on fast food restaurants like Mc Donald’s or Burger King among many others, mainly created to get the attention of children in the pursue to consume there product that containing only processed foods with a very poor nutritional value, often called a “happy meal”. Lets not forget that the main reason this “happy meal’’ is buy, is for the toy that comes with it. Often being, a TV cartoon character or a main character of the latest Disney movie.
     After connecting  everything , it is extremely easy to use teenagers as brand promoters. Specially, because they have been brainwashed since the 80’s.  Our current teens are being often used as low wage employees for fast food restaurants, most of the time for their poor experience and fast paced production, which comes handy for the restaurant at the time of paying their employees “About 70% of fast food workers make between $7.25 to $10.00 per hour, less than 10% earn between $10.00 and $12.00 per hour, and fewer than one in twelve make more than $12.00 per hour”. Lack of experience often means a minimum wage job, which allows the restaurant to save a tremendous amount in their payroll, but at the same time taking advantage of the energy and speed of their employees. Who wants to go to a fast food restaurant and wait 30 minutes for the food to be ready?
       The power of Multinationals such as McDonald's are almost impossible to measure, it is important to realize that at the end, we are just consumers and responsible for what we buy. It is our responsibility as adult to create awareness in our children to become more active, healthy and proactive when it comes to our body and environment. Only that way, we will guarantee that our future will have healthier adults, able to make decisions for themselves and their families.


  1. That was a very interesting piece. I like that you mentioned the fact that we consumers contribute to as much of the fire as the Fast Food companies have produced it. Interesting stuff. Good work.

  2. Interesting ideas. And, I also feel that today's parents should spent more time with their kids and do something that is not related to fast food. The best way to love their kids is to keep the kids away from fast food, feed them healthy food!
