Saturday, March 8, 2014

Blog #2 The Meaning of Food in My Life

Prof. Smith.
Class. ENG101.           
Diana Coll.

The Meaning of Food in My Life

Food: any nutritious substance that people or animal eat or drink, in order to maintain life and growth.
Food is extremely important and significant in my life because it is the only way to survive, but to me food has a much deeper significance. My name is Diana and I’m form Colombia, my country is in South America, the city where I was born is Cali, a beautiful place with nice weather and famous for have delicious food. Cali is a big city in the middle of the mountains. Out of the city there are a lot of farms and fruit trees.
When I say that food have a deeper significance to me I refer to food as an important part in my culture, especially in my family. It is not the only way to stay alive. It is the also a way to keep the connection with the ones we love. That’s why preparing food is almost a ceremony for us. In my culture, we have to eat at least three times a day, my grandmother said that breakfast is very important because it is the responsible for the energy that we need during the day, launch have to be nurturing, and dinner need to be light so we can seep good. In my culture, the tradition is to eat together, all family members and at the same hours every day, and spend almost all daylong preparing the food, but hear in NYC is completely different to me it is very difficult to eat at the same time everyday because I came to school and then go to work.
Sometimes I have only few minutes to eat between class and I have to eat whatever there is in the cafeteria because I don’t have time to cook. I have gotten sick to eat in restaurants and cafeterias because they over cook the food and it is poor in nutrients. No every restaurant is bad, but students like me cannot afford to pay a lot of money for everyday lunch. My time to eat is so short that I never have a specific place to eat. It can be in the cafeteria at school, in the classroom or even in the train.

In this city it is hard to have an organized diet specially because there are so many fast food restaurants all over the city and these are so cheap that we end being slaves to it. However, I think that we should take the time to prepare our food, eat more vegetables and fruits, lest sugar, drink more water and less soda and stay away of fast food and have good nutrition because this can prevent diseases.

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