Saturday, March 8, 2014

Blog # 1 Is America's Food Supply Safe?

Prof. Smith.
Class. ENG101.           
Diana Coll.
Is America’s Food Supply Safe?

In this passage, Dr. David Acheson, assistant commissioner for food protection and drugs administration asked to all Americans if they really think the food supply is safe, recently it has been found E.coli in spinach, Salmonella in peanut butter and a lot of bacteria in other food. However, Dr. Acheson emphasizes how the F.D.A (The Food and Drug Administration) works very hard and very closely with federal, state, and local agencies to safe food for all costumers across the country.
The F.D.A with more than 20 offices in the country and 625 inspectors who inspect the food supply cant guarantee as one hundred percent safety food. It’s hard for them to keep control in the food because most of the food in America comes from all over the world. Beside that we have to remember that it is our responsibility to keep some safety steps. Like wash the food and our hand before eating, keeping the food refrigerated specially meat at the correct temperature specially if it’s seafood and the most important is to cook the food at the right temperature an the right time because this can help to prevent us to get sick.
In conclusion, remember the Government has the responsibility to maintain and keep the food in a good condition before it reaches our table, but we can’t forget our responsibility during the cook process.

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