Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Reflection Paper

Prof. Smith.
Class. ENG101.           
Diana Coll.
Reflection Paper.

I feel that I learned a lot in this class about nutrition and how important is for people to know how the process of the food we eat is affecting as. My research was about the antibiotics using in animals that we consume, to promote the animal to growth and to prevent the animal to get sick. But by using this methods human’s health are in risk. Antibiotics in animas are creating antibiotic resistance in humans and this is a big problem now in hospital because the more of the 75% of the patience are resistance of at list one type of antibiotic. According to the Physicians for Social Responsibility research that I read, people who was infective with salmonella which is a type of infection that affect humans and animals, more that 85% of the patience where resistance to the most comments medicines that are use to control infections such as penicillin, ampicillin and amoxicillin because de same antibiotics are using in animals, and by humans been consuming this animals are expose to the antibiotics for a long period creating resistance to the antibiotic and making the world to face  a post-antibiotic era, in which common infections, which have been treatable for decades, can once again kill, such as a simple could or infection.
I also learn how advertising has been influence for many generations to make us to consume and to become what their want, for that reason I stop washing television and is been I can really feel the change in the thinks that I wan to eat and event in the thinks I wan to buy. I like this class a lot and I feel I learn many think that going to help me to have better lifestyle.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

blog#10 Research paper.

Prof. Smith.
Class. ENG101.           
Diana Coll.

Research Paper.

Antibiotics and Food Animal Industry.

            According to the Physicians for Social Responsibility a research in 2000 found on average every American consume nearly 195 pounds of meat (red meat, poultry, and fish) per year. To reach the demand of meat there are many farms devoted to mass-producing cattle.  Most of this meat comes from an industrial meat system plagued with a variety of problems such as salmonella and to fight against this disease farmers are using antibiotics to stop spread of this virus. Since are we eating so much meat, can you imagine the amount of antibiotics we have to process second handily? However by using these antibiotics on animals, it also poses a threat to human life. Antibiotics use on animals should be limited because they can lead to antibiotic resistance in humans. I feel this practice is irresponsible because it may lead to many problems especially in human health.
It is estimated that non-therapeutic use of antibiotics in the livestock production accounts for nearly 80 percent of all antibiotics in the United States. An a good example of this non-therapeutic drug use is the administration of low levels of antibiotics to animals through feed and water to prevent disease because of the miserable conditions in which those animals are raised. They grow in close confinement often standing or laying in their own waste, and because of this, animals are under constant stress that inhibits their immune systems and make them more prone to infections. The other reason the farmers use antibiotics is to make the animal gain weight and grow more because the antibiotics kill the flora of the animal that would normally thrive in the animals intestines, there by allowing the animal to utilize their food more effectively. The routine of feeding the animals with antibiotics for growth promotion and disease prevention contribute to the present problem that humans face that is antibiotics resistance .
A lot of antibiotics given to cattle are the same antibiotics doctors use to treat human illnesses. For example neomycin and tetracycline are available to be use in cattle feed. Tetracycline is related to oxytetracycline and chlorletracycline are use to prevent and treat pneumonia in calves but they are also used in lower concentration to help calves grow faster and improve their feed efficiency. Neomycin is a component of cattle antibiotics for growth promotion and this is one of several others common human antibiotics on list. Procaine, penicillin, benzathine penicillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin and sprctinomycin are approved and used in cattle too, and the others antibiotics used for cattle are not on the human list, but a lot of them are members of drug “families” that include some important human antibiotics. As an example of this enrofloxacin cattle antibiotic, is not used on people but is closely related to drugs like ciprofloxacin, that is very important for human especially benzathine, penicillin and procaine because this antibiotics are the ones who fights some of the strongest bacteria in the human body. These antibiotics are use to treat many different types of severe infections including strep and staph infections, diphtheria, meningitis, gonorrhea, and syphilis. They are also used to prevent infections of the heart valves in people with certain heart conditions who need to have dental work or surgery. In conclusion antibiotics affect the meat from an animal that is treated with them therefore the human is also affected by this condition.   
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 60,000 American die each year for antibiotic resistant disease. Inappropriate use and overuse of antibiotics in human medicine was often the main cause of this problem but now increased because of the inappropriate use that comes from agriculture.
Antibiotic resistance is similar to how immunization helps the human body fight disease by exposing the immune system to a small amount of virus or bacteria. When bacteria are continually exposed to a small amount of antibiotics they can develop immunity to them. The Center of Disease Control estimates that each year in the U.S almost two million people acquire infections, 70 percent of which are resistant to at least one commonly used antibiotic, this problem of antibiotic resistance has accelerated through the use of antibiotics in animals for non-therapeutic treatment. According to a new report by the FDA approximately 80 percent of all antibiotics used in the U.S are for farm animals    
There is evidence that antibiotic in animals we eat created antibiotic resistance in humans but there is insufficient evidence as how big the problem it is says Dr. Margaret Mellon, with The Union of Concerned Scientists. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine of February 6, 2002 research found links that strongly suggested that people who developed (cipro resistant) bacteria had acquired them by eating pork that were contaminated with salmonella. This research concludes that salmonella flouroquine can be spread from swine to humans and, therefore the use of fouroquinolones on food animals should be prohibited. Another New England journal of Medicine study from October 18 2001, found that 20 percent of ground meat obtained in supermarkets contained salmonella, of the 20 percent that was contaminated with salmonella, 84 percent was resistant to at least one form of antibiotic. By trying to prevent disease in animals opening the possibility of humans to get sick by creating antibiotic resistance. Therefore the government should control more the antibiotics in animals.
One of the most common infections in both humans and animals is salmonella, which is a bacteria. The initial source of salmonella in humans is often from contaminated feed such as beef, poultry, milk and eggs. Most people infected with these bacteria develop diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps 12 to 72 hours infection, in some patients; the salmonella infection may spread from the intestine to the blood system and then to other body sites and can cause death unless this person is treated promptly with antibiotics. Treatment of clinical salmonella should be including an approved and effective antimicrobial drug such as ceftiofor, florfenicol, or ampicillin. Every year, approximatety 24,000 cases of salmonella are reported in the United States but because many cases are not diagnosed or reported, the actual number of infection may be twenty-nine percent or more times greater of the actual number. It is estimated that approximately 400 persons die each year with acute salmonella and some times is difficult to treat this condition because oh the antibiotic resistance we are facing        
The World Health Organization is concerned enough about antibiotic resistance to suggest significantly reducing the use of antibiotics in animals we eat .In this report on global surveillance of this situation reveals that antibiotic resistance is no longer a prediction for the future; it is happening right now, across the world and is putting at risk the ability to treat common infections in the community and hospitals. For example a regular cold could be become as one of the most dangerous and deadly infection in the world and without urgent coordinated action, the world is directed towards a post-antibiotic era, in which common infections, which have been treatable for decades, can once again kill.
 Concern about the growing level of antibiotic resistance has led to the banning of sub-therapeutic use of antibiotics in meat animals in many countries in the European Union and Canada. In the United States, however, such use is still legal. If this problem is controlled antibiotic resistance will be remarkably reduced. The government should pay greater attention to the amount of cases and statistics of the high numbers of hospitalization and deaths caused by antibiotics resistance. This is the result from farmer’s excess use of medicine in animals.

Works Cited
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 14 May 2014. Web. 18 May 2014.
"Defra." Defra. Web. 19 May 2014.
"Philosophical Research Society -." Philosophical Research Society. Web. 19 May 2014.
"Sixty-seventh World Health Assembly Opens in Geneva." WHO. Web. 19 May 2014.
"U.S. Department of Agriculture." U.S. Department of Agriculture. Web. 19 May 2014.
"WebMD - Better Information. Better Health." WebMD. WebMD. Web. 17 May 2014.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Blog#6 Behind the Counter/ correction

Prof. Smith.
Diana Coll


In chapter three of Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser explain with detail how the fast food industry has been influencing our culture especially the younger generation and how they have manipulated the system by advertising for their own benefit.
 Today the largest private employers in the state is the restaurant industry, Schlosser chose Colorado as an example and emphasized how the restaurant industry has grown much faster than the population there, over the last three decades the number of restaurants have increased five-fold and the number of chain restaurants have increased ten-fold.
When a new McDonald’s opens, other fast food restaurants soon open nearby on the assumption that it must be in a good location. On other hand the fast food industry spent billions on marketing and promotion, to brainwash their customers, they put ads on radio and TV, just to reinforce brand loyalty. McDonalds has created computer software called Quintillion that combines       satellite imagery with detailed maps, demography information and sales information for existing stores, so they can spy on their costumers with the same equipment once used to fight the cold war.
 Moreover, fast food kitchen often seem like a scene from some movie where all the actors are children pretending to be adults because no other industry in the United States has a workforce so dominated by adolescents. About two thirds of the nation fast food workers are under the age of twenty. Fast Food Industry has found teenagers as the perfect candidates for their stores, not only because they have less experience than adults, but also because their youthful inexperience make them easier to control and manipulate but since the number of baby-boomer teenagers declined, the fast food chains began to hire other marginalized workers: recent immigrants, the elderly and the handicapped.
 Now English is the second language of at least one sixth of the nations restaurants and about one third of the group speaks no English at all. These workers are just trained to learn the names of the item on the menu, they speak ‘McDonalds English’ and the fast food industry pays the minimum wage to a higher proportion of its workers than any other American Industry. We may not realized how fast food has impact our culture turning commercial kitchens into small factories and changed familiar foods into commodities that are manufactured.

Blog#9 Research paper

By Prof. Smith.
Class. ENG101.
Diana Coll.
Antibiotics and food animal industry.

1. My general subject in this research paper is antibiotics and food animal industry.
2. My focus topic is the importance of stopping the use of antibiotics in animals that are for human consumption.
3. My plan to support this idea is: why they using antibiotics on animals and also to talk about the effect that antibiotics have on humans.
4. I been looking for information in The Food and Drug Administration website  
5. My next steps in this research is to continue  investigating further.
6. I had not trouble finding the information so far.

Blog#8 Midterm

 By Prof. Smith.
Class. ENG101.           
Diana Coll.

Advertising, Food and Children.

 According to the book ‘Fast Food Nation’ since 1980 children have been attacked by the fast food industry via media without any mercy. The industry has been brainwashing our kids to buy their products and to consume everything they make, affecting the children’s health causing them several diseases by promoting the consumption of food with a poor nutritional value.
A study of ‘The American Psychological Association’ found the main reason for the obesity epidemic in America today is because most of the kids spend long periods or many hours watching television especially children between the ages of 8 through 18 years old .Because they also watch many hours of television, they are exposed to watching many hours of junk food commercials and because children are viewing these fast food commercials over and over, they become convinced that it is okay to consume this food regularly. The origin of this problem is partly that parents in order to have some time off used television to babysitter kids. As a result, by taking control of the naïve mentality of children, fast food advertising creates unhealthy eating habits which may lead to many health complications.
Fast Food companies have been affecting children’s health by promoting unhealthy food such as candy, hamburgers, French fries, soda and more. This food is full of sugar, fat, salt, and calories and has been reflected in the increasing number of diseases, like obesity. According to Center of Disease Control and Prevention more that one of five children between ages of 6 and 17 are now considered overweight in the Unite States and this has been linked to health risks such as diabetes type two, high blood pressure, depression and anxiety. Kids also face the risk to become a sick adult and die at a young age. This situation is very sad because a person with a chronic disease may never have a normal life.
Fast Food has changed our life style, turning commercial kitchens in to  small factories and changed familiar food into commodities that are manufactured, promoting unhealthy eating habits through advertisements. Children are the most affected group because their minds are easily manipulated, which the fast food industry knows and targets. Furthermore, this leads to health problems.  If the government limits fast food advertising in the media they will save many lives and improve the health condition of the population.  

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Blog# 7.Antibiotics and Food Animal Industry.

 Prof. Smith.
Class. ENG101.           
Diana Coll.

Blog #7

Antibiotics and Food Animal Industry.

            Since 1946 ranchers and farmers has been added antibiotics to the animals we eat to prevent them from getting sick and also to make them grow faster. We can think this is not our problem but we should care about this because the same antibiotics that are use to treat human illnesses are the same ones meat producers are using with animals and this can lead to serious health risk to humans.
            According to microbiologist Dr Glenn Morris if a group of animals is treated whit a certain antibiotic for a long period the bacteria who is living in the animal will become resistant to that drug and the problem for humans is that if a person ingests the resistant bacteria for improperly cooked meat and get sick she or he may no respond to antibiotic treatment and this can cost their lives.  To prevent this form happening the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is implementing a voluntary plan with the meat producers eliminated the USA of certain antibiotics for enhanced food production. They are doing this program voluntary because they think is the fastest and most efficient way to make these change but personally I think the FDA should force these companies no just to give them options to reduce the antibiotics in animals because this can cause a catastrophe. To prevent this problem to happen went we shopping for meat look for the certify products that indicated there farms only use antibiotics to cure infection in animal no for other non-therapeutic uses, during the preparation wash you hands often, cooked the meet at the right temperature and consume as soon as possible after cooked.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

blog #6 correction.

Prof. Smith.
Class. ENG101.           
Diana Coll.



     I have been using Victoria Secret for more than a decade especially the shower gel and the body cream I buy this product over and over at least one or two per month needed or not because they always have a new fragrance or maybe some discount in the store.
Sometimes I go to Victoria Secret to get my cream and I end up buying things that I don’t want to. The reason is because their packages are so beautiful and the advertising so powerful that unconsciously I end up thinking I can be as beautiful as one of the models by using their product. I’m sure I’m not the only one who things this, believe it or not. Using Victoria Secret products make me feel more feminine, more beautiful and sexier.

They are many factors that has influenced me to buy this brand; one of them is that I have seen this brand around home since I was a teenager because my mother also buys it. Another reason this brand attracts me is because their diversity of products includes: splashes, perfumes, make up, creams, shower gels, sportswear, lingerie and more. I also use Victoria Secret because it is also relative to the fashion industry, a world that I find fascinating.  My educational goal is to become a fashion designer and this company is an inspiration for me; I love their products and the marketing they do. Good products, good advertising, and good prices! 

blog #5 Correction /"Your TrustFriend"

Prof. Smith.
Class. ENG101.           
Diana Coll.

Blog #5 Correction.

     “Your trust friend” in my opinion is so far one of the most interesting chapters on this book. In this chapter I can see that fast food advertising has influence our children to consume their product. The fact that advertising has taken over the mentality and nutrition of children in order to increase the fast food companies benefit, it is completely shocking and unacceptable.
     It is well known, that television is used in America as a free babysitter. Many parents take advantage of cartoons such as the Ronal mc Donald (Mc treasure island) in order to have so time off from their hyperactive kids. Unfortunately, what we haven’t realized yet, is that by allowing our television to hypnotize our children for a couple of hours per day, we are also allowing hundreds of junk food companies to take over their naïve mentality and our own food pantry at home which is unacceptable.
     As a clear example, a study of the American Psychological Association found that the obesity epidemic in America is a serious public health problem. This issue has been increasing rapidly among children between the ages of 8 through 18.  Basically, because “95% of the ads promoted on Television, only promote junk food.” Also, because they are allowed to spend more time in front of their computer rather than playing outside, according to Robert Kenner director of the film ‘Food Inc’ (an average of 44.5 hours per week). It has been proven that kids as young as 2 years old, can recognize a logo, way before they can recognize their own name, this is shocking because they should be able to recognize their name before they recognize advertising.
     Fast food restaurants are using playground to attract children to their store. These playgrounds are mainly created to get the attention of children in to persuade to consume “happy meals” these meals contain only processed food with a very poor nutrition value. This fast food is high in fat, sugar and carbohydrates and can cause several diseases from an early age. Therefore this form of marketing is bad.
    I have to admit I was a victim of this cruel marketing strategy as well. I clearly remember how in High School our Gym teacher gave each student of his class (including myself), a box of assorted chocolate bars to sell. Mainly, to “raise funds”, for our unprivileged Basketball team. Surprisingly, each chocolate bar, which by the way was really good and addicting, came with a $1.00 Mc-Coupon in its wrap. This coupon often came handy to purchase a “Big Mac”. At that time, costing around $2.50, minus $1.00 off, came to a sweet deal for a hungry and brainwashed High School student like myself. The schools should be responsible to promote healthy food like vegetables and fruits not food that can make us sick.
    Although the power of Multinationals such as McDonalds are almost impossible to measure, it is important to realize that at the end of the day, we are as consumers the only ones responsible for what we buy, diffuse and sponsor. It is our responsibility as parents to raise awareness among our children to become more active, healthy and proactive when it comes to our body and environment. Only that way, we will assure that our future will have healthier adults, able to make healthier and unbiased decisions for themselves and their families.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

blog#6 Behind the Counter

Prof. Smith.
Diana Coll


In chapter three of Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser explain with detail how the fast food industry has been influencing our culture especially the younger generation and how they have manipulated the system by advertising for there own benefit.
 Today the largest private employers in the state is the restaurant industry, Schlosser chose Colorado as an example and emphasized how the restaurant industry has grown much faster than the population there, over the last three decades the number of restaurants have increased five-fold and the number of chain restaurants have increased ten-fold. Now, Colorado has twenty-one McDonald’s.
When a new McDonald’s opens, other fast food restaurants soon open nearby on the assumption that in must be a good location. On other hand the fast food industry spent billions on marketing and promotion, to brainwash their costumers, they put ads on radio and TV, just to reinforce brand loyalty. McDonald's has created computer software called Quintillion that combines   satellite imagery with detailed maps, demography information and sales information for existing stores, so they can spy on their costumers with the same equipment once used to fight the cold war. Moreover, fast food kitchen often seem like a scene from some movie where all the actors are children pretending to be adults because no other industry in the United States has a workforce so dominated by adolescents. About two thirds of the nation fast food workers are under the age of twenty.
Fast Food Industry has found teenagers as the perfect candidates for there, not only because there less experience than adults, but also because their youthful inexperience make them easier to control and manipulate but since the number of baby-boomer teenagers declined, the fast food chains began to hire other marginalized workers: recent immigrants, the elderly and the handicapped. Now English is the second language of at least one sixth of the nations restaurants and about one third of the group speaks no English at all the just trained to learn the names of the item on the menu, they speak ‘McDonald's English’ and the fast food industry pays the minimum wage to a higher proportion of its workers than any other American Industry. We may not realized how fast food has impact our culture turning commercial kitchens into small factories and changed familiar foods into commodities that are manufactured.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Blog #5

Prof. Smith.
Class. ENG101.           
Diana Coll.

Blog #5

     “Your trust friend” in my opinion is so far one of the most interesting chapters of this book. The fact that advertizing has taken over the mentality and nutrition of children in order to increase their own benefit, it is completely shocking.
     Today television is used in America as a free babysitter. Many parents take advantage of cartoons, in order to have so time off from their  kids. Unfortunately, what we haven’t realized, is that by allowing our television to hypnotize our children for a couple of minutes per day, we are also allowing hundreds of junk food companies to take over their naive  mentality and our own food at home.
       As a clear example, a study of the American Psychological Association, found that the obesity epidemic in America, is a serious public health problem. This issue has been increasing rapidly among children between the ages of 8 thru 18 because “95% of the ads promoted on Television, only promote junk food.” Also, because they are allowed to spend more time in front of their computer rather than playing outside, (an average of 44.5 hours per week). Also, because it has been proven that kids as young as 2 years old, can recognize a logo, way before they can recognize their own name.
      Lets talk about the installation of playgrounds on fast food restaurants like Mc Donald’s or Burger King among many others, mainly created to get the attention of children in the pursue to consume there product that containing only processed foods with a very poor nutritional value, often called a “happy meal”. Lets not forget that the main reason this “happy meal’’ is buy, is for the toy that comes with it. Often being, a TV cartoon character or a main character of the latest Disney movie.
     After connecting  everything , it is extremely easy to use teenagers as brand promoters. Specially, because they have been brainwashed since the 80’s.  Our current teens are being often used as low wage employees for fast food restaurants, most of the time for their poor experience and fast paced production, which comes handy for the restaurant at the time of paying their employees “About 70% of fast food workers make between $7.25 to $10.00 per hour, less than 10% earn between $10.00 and $12.00 per hour, and fewer than one in twelve make more than $12.00 per hour”. Lack of experience often means a minimum wage job, which allows the restaurant to save a tremendous amount in their payroll, but at the same time taking advantage of the energy and speed of their employees. Who wants to go to a fast food restaurant and wait 30 minutes for the food to be ready?
       The power of Multinationals such as McDonald's are almost impossible to measure, it is important to realize that at the end, we are just consumers and responsible for what we buy. It is our responsibility as adult to create awareness in our children to become more active, healthy and proactive when it comes to our body and environment. Only that way, we will guarantee that our future will have healthier adults, able to make decisions for themselves and their families.

Monday, March 17, 2014

blog #4 Your Trusted Friends

Prof. Smith
Class. ENG101           
Diana Coll
Blog # 4

Your Trusted Friends

In this second chapter of ‘Fast Food Nation’ by Eric Schlosser we started to understand more about the fast food industry and how they actually work, Schlosser mentioned famous brands in the market and how thru advertisement and marketing, they create a new culture and a new life style for the families in America.
Schlosser emphasizes in the relationship between Disney and McDonald, even though they were competitors they were using the same mechanism and the same philosophy to get more and more costumers before they stared to work together.
Kid Kustumers’ chapter is about how the millionaire industry of fast food and Disney created their empire and there brand loyalty by making a necessity in society especially in families through advertising. In 1980, occurred the explosion in children advertising were a lot of American companies directed their marketing to children. Disney, McDonald, Toy markers and manufacturers of cereals were some of the companies they took advantage of millions of families how parents work a lot of hours and did not spend much time with their kids felt guilty and start to spend more money on them as a reward.
Ray Kroc and Walt Disney focus solely on kids, they were conscious the youth market was the future and started to build a brand to be a lifetime. They studied and analyze children’s behaviors and found that kids can recognize brand logo before they can recognize their names and one more time took advantage of that for their own benefit.
Since 1980 the young market has been attack, now more than before by TV, Internet and other media. They sold the perfect American dream and we fell into the trap, making us think companies are our friends when the reality is that they are making us so much harm. For example, increasing diabetes, obesity, high-pressure in children and adults trough their products. Now they are promoting healthcare programs and giving us scholarships to try to fix everything bad they have caused.   

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Blog #3 The Founding Fathers

Prof. Smith.
Class. ENG101.           
Diana Coll.

Blog  #3
The Founding Fathers
Carl N. Karcher was born in 1917 in Ohio, he was an American businessman and one of the fast food industry’s pioneers, and his live seems to be the perfect example of the American dream. Carl grew up in a German-American family; he had six brothers and a sister. Carl dropped out of school after the eighth grade and worked twelve to fourteen hours a day on a farm, but in 1937 Carl moved to Anaheim, California where his uncle ran a small business, he worked for his uncle for three years and latter dropped that job to work in a bakery.
Carl and his wife Margaret M. Heinz stared the fist fast food business on 1942 in Los Angeles California but in 1945 they opened the first restaurant, Carl’s drive-in barbecue in Anaheim, by that time the population in California grew and had given birth to an entirely new lifestyle and a new way of eating. With the automotive revolution the drive –in restaurants become more famous and attractive especial for teenagers, the drive-in restaurants fit perfectly with the youth culture of Los Angeles, the combinations of beautiful girls, cars and late night food was widely accepted. That is how fast food began to be part of everyday life in Americans until today.


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Blog #2 The Meaning of Food in My Life

Prof. Smith.
Class. ENG101.           
Diana Coll.

The Meaning of Food in My Life

Food: any nutritious substance that people or animal eat or drink, in order to maintain life and growth.
Food is extremely important and significant in my life because it is the only way to survive, but to me food has a much deeper significance. My name is Diana and I’m form Colombia, my country is in South America, the city where I was born is Cali, a beautiful place with nice weather and famous for have delicious food. Cali is a big city in the middle of the mountains. Out of the city there are a lot of farms and fruit trees.
When I say that food have a deeper significance to me I refer to food as an important part in my culture, especially in my family. It is not the only way to stay alive. It is the also a way to keep the connection with the ones we love. That’s why preparing food is almost a ceremony for us. In my culture, we have to eat at least three times a day, my grandmother said that breakfast is very important because it is the responsible for the energy that we need during the day, launch have to be nurturing, and dinner need to be light so we can seep good. In my culture, the tradition is to eat together, all family members and at the same hours every day, and spend almost all daylong preparing the food, but hear in NYC is completely different to me it is very difficult to eat at the same time everyday because I came to school and then go to work.
Sometimes I have only few minutes to eat between class and I have to eat whatever there is in the cafeteria because I don’t have time to cook. I have gotten sick to eat in restaurants and cafeterias because they over cook the food and it is poor in nutrients. No every restaurant is bad, but students like me cannot afford to pay a lot of money for everyday lunch. My time to eat is so short that I never have a specific place to eat. It can be in the cafeteria at school, in the classroom or even in the train.

In this city it is hard to have an organized diet specially because there are so many fast food restaurants all over the city and these are so cheap that we end being slaves to it. However, I think that we should take the time to prepare our food, eat more vegetables and fruits, lest sugar, drink more water and less soda and stay away of fast food and have good nutrition because this can prevent diseases.